Climate change: the reality…

2 min readNov 5, 2021

Until recently I had considered climate change and global warming a bunch of crap. I actually kind of still do. I was on the side of George Carlin’s 20 year old skit about how, paraphrasing, “The Earth will just shake us off like a bad cold.”

The thing is that is true. If we all were wiped out the Earth would eventually reset and we would probably be wiped away. Could this happen? Well actually YES! Why? It’s not because of “Climate Change” or “Global Warming” or any of that really. It’s what I call “Fishbowl Logic” and you can explain to your climate deniers this real easy analogy, and maybe people will start thinking harder.

Fishbowl Logic, piece by Ahmed Hasan @carsive

The reasoning of “Fishbowl Logic” goes like this: Have you every heard of the theory that fish don’t know that they are swimming in water? That fish feel like we do as we walk thru the air. To me this makes sense, it’s just a different “Atmosphere,” instead of an atmosphere of water it’s one of air. Well here is something to think about: Let’s say we had a fishbowl with a goldfish swimming around, and we took a salt shaker and shook some salt into the fishbowl. At first nothing may happen. In a few minutes if you kept shaking salt into the fishbowl eventually that fish would be like “Hey! what the hell is going on?!?” If you kept shaking the salt into the bowl eventually the fish would either miraculously adapt or “keel over.”

Well in a quick flash of a summary, forget about Climate Change or Global Warming, the real problem or “reality” is the original problem that we were warned about in the 80’s, POLLUTION!! Essentially, as the coal, smog, and soot pollute our air we are basically filling our fishbowl with salt! Think of every car driving down the road as a little salt shaker. Shake, shake, shake…

Shake, shake, shake, piece by @lachlancormie

I mean we can already feel the impact. Can’t you? It’s seriously getting harder to breathe especially as we get older, I mean we are adapting, but the thing is, with the goldfish it’s like once you hit that “one fist pump” of salt that’s all folks… So to me this how the discussion makes 100% sense!

I hope if you ever have someone that needs a little convincing, maybe a little “Fishbowl Logic” will explain things really simple and clear.

Stay Safe and Stay Smart…

