
3 min readMay 17, 2021


This is the 2nd part of my on going ‘Infinity is a constant’ story/series…

At the end of that story I claimed that Infinity is probably equal to 1. I stand by that. But what does exactly mean?

Most of my life has been noticing little mistakes in mathematics or that mathematicians have made when it comes to being “rock solid”, “fool proof” or even “proven”, at least logically or illogically. I mean who doesn’t love a good paradox? Science often bothered me because it’s based on math that isn’t perfect, and why shouldn’t the foundation (or one of the foundations) that science is based on be bulletproof? I mean there should be no shadow of doubt right?

I do feel tho that science actually helps mathematics more than math helps science. The reason this is the case, is because of the System of Units. Without these mathematics would simply just be poetry of symbols with deeper meaning of course and symetry and such, but consider a simple example of: 1x1x1x1x1 = 1

If you asked your average mathemician, he would probably tell you that the answer is 1. Which to me I just had to laugh in school. Because you are going to tell me that if I multiply 1 x 1 five times that answer is 1? What about ten times? Still 1. And this is where the System of Units comes into play. HOLY TOLEDO, was I happy when I learned about these mostly in chemistry and physics classes in school.

I will give you another absurd example (before digging in):

16/4 = 4, 100/25 = 4, and 32/8 = 4, absurdity! But like I said math without the units is just reading poetry or really lovely fluid and fancy artwork of symbols and words (and even units don’t do much justice, sadly).

I am going to save some stuff for future articles, but in a nutshell you can’t just have 1 by itself, it’s pretty meaningless. I mean heck even if you have 1 yard, you can kinda put a yard stick in your vision or in your mind to see that. But if you say 1 yard of Guinness, now you’re talking. No, all jokes aside, you probably would use:

But lets expand things if we can, for future reference. Lets say 1x • 1y • 1z and say that x, y, and z are dimensions. So if you multiply those together you have 1xyz which is much better than 1•1•1=1, 1xyz gives you something relavent, what is that you say? Well it’s basically a rudimentary description of the 3rd dimension if you will (we could do spherical dimension also). If you want you could also do 1xyz • 1t = 1xyzt and that symbolizes the 4th dimension of time (the current time), where as xyz is also time but the past, a shadow of the current time. What if you wanted to add another •1? or another dimension? Well you could I suppose say 1xyzt • 1m = 1mxyzt, which could symbolize momentum, or the Future, i.e. the momentum of where something is going to end up in the future, or the 5th dimension. Is this how the character Mxyzptlk from DC comics got his name? haha 😎

I just want to leave this article without getting into the S.I. units yet and going even further with chemistry and things like the density of atoms etc, which eventually I will. But for now just try and question mathematics, and don’t buy into to all that they are selling completely…

More (food) 🥘 for (thought) 💭 …



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